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Finding Your Ideal Breast Size with a Breast Reduction in Lubbock

Did you know that your breasts are as individual as your personality? No two women have the same breasts, but many of us share the same complaints when it comes to certain breast issues. Our breasts can have an effect on our confidence, posture, body image, and even our sleep. For women with very large breasts, everyday living can be a struggle because of chronic pain and discomfort. With the help of modern medicine and the artistic ability of Dr. Jane Rowley, women can take matters into their own hands and do something to help improve their quality of life. If your large breasts are getting in the way of your lifestyle, it may be the right time to consider a breast reduction in Lubbock.  

Is There an Ideal Breast Size?

Women see the world through individual preferences and tastes. What one woman thinks is perfect doesn’t accurately reflect what the next person likes. When you are trying to figure out your ideal breast size, it might be helpful to consider a study published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery that found most people prefer breasts with 45% of their fullness above the nipple line and 55% below it. Participants of the study also said they like breasts to have a more natural, teardrop shape. In their report, the researchers explained that “The 45:55 ratio has universal appeal in defining the ideal breast,” and that it should be used as the model for cosmetic breast surgery. This means that the perfect breast size is different for every woman. However, your doctor can help you find the right fit for you by using the 45:55 ratio as a guide.

What Affects Your Breast Size and Shape?

Some women wonder whether they can change the appearance of their breasts without having breast reduction in Lubbock. Diet and exercise can work wonders for your body, but the breasts typically do not respond as well as other areas. In fact, losing weight can even worsen the shape of your breasts by causing them to appear deflated or saggy. It can be frustrating to feel powerless in achieving your cosmetic goals, but it may help to think about why our breasts look the way they do. Consider the following factors that affect the shape and size of your breasts.

  • Genetics are the biggest factor in determining your breast size and shape. Genes from both your parents influence your breasts’ hormone levels, tissue density, shape, and skin tone.
  • The aging process happens whether we like it or not. You can’t fight the ticking of the clock or the effect of gravity over time. The Cooper’s ligaments in your breasts are bands of tissue that hold your breast structure and tissue in place. These aren’t true ligaments that are connected to bone, so, over time, they can become stretched like overworked rubber bands. This stretching will eventually cause larger breasts to have a saggy or droopy appearance.
  • Weight can affect your breasts. Since a portion of your breast tissue is fat, your breasts will either grow or shrink depending on how your weight changes. If your breast composition has large amounts of fat, your breasts will sag when you lose significant amounts of weight. A breast reduction in Lubbock can get rid of this extra fat and give your breasts a more desirable size and shape. 
  • Hormones also play a role in the appearance of your breasts. Women who take prescription birth control such as oral contraceptives may experience an increase in breast size due to estrogen or progesterone levels. 

Some life changes have a greater influence on our breasts’ appearance than others. Pregnancy and breastfeeding have a much more significant effect on our bust than exercise does. A healthier lifestyle supports your skin elasticity, muscle tone, and weight consistency, which will in turn help your breasts look their best. 

Achieve Your Ideal Size With a Breast Reduction in Lubbock

You may not feel like you have much control over the natural size or shape of your breasts. Ultimately the perfect breast size is the one that makes you feel the most comfortable and confident. If your breasts are too large for your liking, a breast reduction can give you a more proportionate look. With a breast reduction, patients feel beautiful not because of the size of their breasts alone, but because their entire body feels more balanced and less top-heavy.

The Many Benefits of Breast Reduction

Breast reduction is a life changing procedure because it helps women resolve physical discomfort and improves their satisfaction with their appearance. Some of the happiest plastic surgery patients are those who have undergone breast reduction in Lubbock. Women with large breasts become used to dealing with issues that can be eliminated by the procedure. Your time is too valuable to be spent living with frequent pain, discomfort, or embarrassment. Imagine living a life free from:

  • Unwanted attention – If your breasts are big, it’s likely you have felt more than a few stares directed at your chest. This type of attention can make women feel uncomfortable and self-conscious about their appearance. Removing breast tissue with a breast reduction can help by making your chest less of a focal point on your body. When you don’t have to worry about the number of looks you’re getting for the wrong reasons, you can have more confidence and comfort in social settings. 
  • Chronic pain – One of the most common complaints among large-breasted women is the strain on their neck, back, and shoulder area. Heavy breasts often pull on the upper body, causing pain in the regions that support them. Some women also experience trouble sleeping or sensations such as numbness or tingling of the hands. When the weight of the breasts is reduced with surgery, patients enjoy almost instantaneous relief from these symptoms.
  • Difficulty exercising – It can be hard enough to find a sports bra that fits your large breasts, much less actually getting through a workout with that extra weight. After a breast reduction in Lubbock, women have an increased ability to move freely during exercise. They tend to get more out of their time at the gym and are more motivated to keep up with a healthy fitness routine. Don’t let large breasts be the reason you miss out on the benefits of regular exercise.  
  • Skin Irritation – The sensitive skin beneath the crease of your breasts can become irritated as a result of constant friction or trapped sweat. In addition to making your skin more prone to rashes in that area, these irritants also raise the possibility of infection. With smaller breasts, the source of skin irritation is eliminated. 
  • Difficulty finding clothes that fit – It may not seem like a big deal, but the struggle to find flattering clothing is real for large breasted women. Some tops may be too tight over the chest and too loose around the tummy. Many women feel as though even modest blouses appear too revealing on them because of their chest size. A breast reduction helps balance body proportions so you can feel comfortable wearing anything you like. 

What Does Breast Reduction Involve?

If all the perks of having smaller breasts sound appealing to you, the next step you should take is to learn what to expect from the procedure. Breast reduction is a surgery that is tailored to the needs of each individual patient. It is an outpatient procedure and generally takes about two hours to complete. During breast reduction surgery, your plastic surgeon will remove excess skin and tissue as they work to reshape the contour of your breasts. Dr. Rowley’s breast reduction patients always receive a breast lift as part of their procedure. The size of the areola is often reduced and the nipple is moved to a higher position on the breast to give it a more natural, perky appearance. 

With a breast reduction in Lubbock, you can decrease the size of your chest dramatically. Almost immediately after your surgery, you will notice a vast improvement in both your appearance and your physical symptoms related to your breast size. Watch the video below to learn more about what you can expect from your breast reduction with Dr. Rowley.

What About Scars?

Scarring is an unavoidable part of surgery, and breast reduction in Lubbock is no exception. Nevertheless, many women choose to have the procedure because the benefits are worth a few scars. Being able to move freely, look and feel more comfortable in clothing, and enjoy increased self-esteem means much more to these patients than the worry over scars. Furthermore, the incision lines from your surgery will fade over time and will only be visible to those who see you without clothing. 

For a better understanding of what those scars might look like, it would be helpful to explore the different techniques plastic surgeons use for breast reduction surgery. The type of incisions made usually depend on the amount of breast tissue and skin to be removed, but the patient’s breast anatomy and personal goals are also important to consider. Here are some of the most common methods for breast reduction:

  • Donut incision: When a woman has only a minimal amount of excess breast tissue and sagging, a single circular incision around the areola may suffice. A minor amount of fat and tissue can be removed, and the resulting scarring is kept to a minimum.
  • Lollipop incision: Two incisions are made on the breast to employ the lollipop method. One is around the areola, and the other runs vertically from the bottom of the areola to the crease of the breast. Women with moderate amounts of excess breast tissue and sagging will benefit the most from this approach. 
  • Anchor incision: The most common type of breast reduction method consists of three incisions: one encircling the areola, another along the crease of the breast, and a third incision vertically connecting the other two. The resulting scars resemble the shape of an anchor. Plastic surgeons use this technique for patients with the most significant amount of sagging. 

As part of your consultation, your plastic surgeon will thoroughly examine your breasts to determine which breast reduction technique will best fit your needs. Just remember, no matter which shape your scars resemble, you will get to enjoy your new smaller breasts (and the relief that comes with them) for many years to come.

Preparing for Recovery 

Some patients don’t like to think about the recovery phase of their breast reduction in Lubbock, but if you spend a little time planning, things are more likely to go smoothly. Knowing what to expect helps you to mentally prepare for the healing process. Tightness and an engorged sensation are normal during the first stages of recovery, but discomfort can be managed with prescription pain medications. Most women will need to take one-to-two weeks off work after their surgery. You should plan to give yourself at least six weeks before you resume all of your normal activities. Heavy lifting and strenuous exercise are off-limits during the initial recovery period, so if you have a physically demanding job, you may need to request some additional time off work. 

Experienced Breast Reduction in Lubbock

If you feel your breasts are too large, a breast reduction can improve your quality of life in many ways. There is no reason to put up with awkward stares, everyday pain, decreased mobility or any other downsides that come with a big cup size. Women who want to have greater control over their appearance visit Dr. Jane Rowley. She has more than 20 years of experience performing breast reductions. She is willing to discuss your questions and expectations for your plastic surgery experience. Your breast size is a personal choice. For the most caring and experienced plastic surgery for breast reduction in Lubbock, patients come to Rowley Plastic Surgery. Call our office today to schedule a no-obligation and to learn more about your aesthetic options.

How Plastic Surgery in Lubbock Can Rejuvenate Your Appearance

For most people, caring about the way they look is not a result of vanity. Concern for your appearance often comes from a place of healthy self-love. During our younger years, enjoying the way we look doesn’t require too much effort. However, as we begin to age, it can take a little more work to feel that confidence in your physical appearance. Makeup won’t conceal sagging skin, under-eye bags, or excess fat around the jawline. When these issues start to wear on your satisfaction with your appearance, plastic surgery in Lubbock may be the right solution for you. At Rowley Plastic Surgery, we offer procedures that can help boost your confidence. When you are happy with the way you look, you can feel more positivity in other areas of your life. Here’s a look at some of the plastic surgery options that can help you achieve your cosmetic goals.   

Facelift Benefits

Your identity as an individual begins with your face. It’s the first thing people remember about you and it’s what they associate with your name after first meeting you. The effects of the aging process will eventually catch up to each of us as we begin to see a worn out or tired appearance take over. The wrinkles and lines do not reflect the person we are inside or the way we feel about ourselves, but they can take a toll on our confidence levels. 

While there are many benefits of a facelift, the advantages go far beyond restoring your natural youthful look. This plastic surgery in Lubbock allows your personality and confidence to radiate from your face as you enjoy the years to come. A facelift rejuvenates your appearance by targeting different problems in several different areas.

Repair Loose Skin  

Over time, your skin and muscles lose their youthful elasticity and tone. Combined with the effects of gravity and genetics, the skin can take on a saggy appearance that can make you look old and tired. Aging causes the elasticity in the skin to relax leading to that saggy-skin appearance we see over time. During your facelift your surgeon will carefully trim and tighten the skin on your face to restore the youthful and natural look you desire. Dr. Jane Rowley has the surgical expertise and artistry to lift the face in a natural way without overly pulling or tightening the skin. For more Dr. Rowley’s thoughts on facelifts, watch the video below.

Tighten Facial Muscles 

Tightening the skin and the superficial muscle layer under the skin helps to restore a younger-looking appearance. The superficial musculo-aponeurotic system (SMAS), or the underlying structures of your face, will also loosen and sag due to weakness from aging. While trimming and lifting skin during your plastic surgery in Lubbock, your plastic surgeon will first tighten and correct this underlying structure to support a more aesthetic configuration. This restructuring will also help reduce the strain on your skin over time and help the results of your procedure last longer.

Improve Deep Wrinkles 

Have you heard of the latest laser treatment that claims to be the miracle solution you need to make you look younger? There are many trendy non-surgical options intended to smooth out unwanted facial wrinkles. Many patients are tempted to try these procedures to avoid having plastic surgery in Lubbock. The truth is, some wrinkles are too deep and can only adequately be improved with a facelift. A facelift is the only procedure proven to correct deep creases and wrinkles that form because of muscle tone loss and saggy skin. If you are tempted to try the newest laser treatment for facial wrinkles, just remember that the results will not be as dramatic or last as long as they would with a traditional facelift with a talented plastic surgeon.  

Erase the Effects of the Aging Process

As we get older, time and gravity aren’t always kind to our faces and we can end up looking tired and old long before we actually feel that way. Many women experience less definition around their neck and chin areas. Sometimes deep wrinkles will appear around the nose and mouth. A properly trained and experienced plastic surgeon can rejuvenate the overall appearance of your face, chin, and neck to give you a healthier, younger-looking appearance. When considering facelift plastic surgery in Lubbock for the right reasons, you can have an improved self-image which leads to greater confidence. With proper care and healthy living choices, you can expect the results of your facelift to last for many years. 

Facelift FAQs

If you are considering a lift for your face, you probably have many questions. It is always a good idea to bring your questions and concerns to your plastic surgeon, but here are some answers to the most common questions about facelift plastic surgery in Lubbock.

  • What does the surgery involve? Facelift surgery takes approximately 2-3 hours and requires the use of a general anesthetic. The surgeon tightens the face by removing excess skin through incisions near the hairline. Incision length varies depending on how much excess skin needs to be removed. The skin is elevated so the superficial facial muscles can be tightened as well. Additional procedures such as liposuction and laser resurfacing are often done to further enhance the final results of a facelift. When the procedure is complete, patients wake with a dressing and a small drain (kept in place for the first 24 hours).    
  • What Should I Expect During Recovery? After your procedure, you should plan to have someone stay with you for at least the first two days. You may experience some pain initially, but your doctor will prescribe medication to help ease discomfort. Dr. Rowley informs her patients that facelift recovery is not as painful or difficult as many people think. Experience varies from patient to patient, but most people can resume their normal activities within a few weeks. Sutures are removed one week after your facelift plastic surgery in Lubbock and you can expect to return to work after about 10-14 days. Swelling can last up to 6-8 weeks, but is significantly improved after 2-3 weeks.  
  • How much younger will I look? According to a 2011 study published in the medical journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, facelift patients reported the procedure took about 12 years off their appearance. In addition, the majority of study participants reported improved self-esteem and quality of life. A well-qualified plastic surgeon can achieve a stunning outcome on the right patient. It is important to remember that the results will look different on each patient, and that a facelift will not stop the aging process. However, the lifting and tightening of the facial skin and muscles refreshes your look dramatically. 
  • How long will my facelift results last? On average, facelift results will last about 10 years. But the longevity of your outcome depends on several factors, including your skin elasticity, the method used by your plastic surgeon, and how well you care for your skin after surgery. Daily use of sunscreen and a healthy diet can go a long way in preserving the rejuvenation of your face. Dr. Rowley tightens the facial muscles with each facelift she performs, which also helps her patients’ results last as long as possible. Even 10 years after your procedure, you should still look younger than you would if you had not undergone a facelift. 

Rejuvenation for the Eyes

A facelift tightens and lifts the skin on the lower two-thirds of the face. The upper portion, including the eye area, is not affected unless the patient chooses to include another procedure such as laser resurfacing. Dr. Rowley’s patients also have the option to have blepharoplasty, or an upper/lower eyelid lift, to brighten tired eyes. She has performed this procedure successfully for more than 20 years, and can achieve dramatic results on the right patient. Dr. Rowley has said, “The upper eyelids are the procedure that can give a patient the most significant change in their appearance with the most minimal surgical recovery.” If you are looking for a way to rejuvenate your eye area, blepharoplasty could be the right plastic surgery in Lubbock for you. 

An eyelid lift is a short surgery that has fast results. It is an effective way to brighten your look if you have excess skin on the upper or lower eyelids. Bags and puffiness can also be eliminated from the lower eyelids. The upper eyelids can be lifted in about 30 minutes with the use of a local anesthetic and mild sedation. A lower eyelid lift also takes about 30 minutes but typically requires general anesthesia. After surgery, patients will need to apply ice to the eyes as much as possible and should rest for 2-3 days. Your doctor will remove your sutures after 5-7 days and swelling usually resolves in 6-8 weeks. 

If you have under eye bags or puffiness, a lower eyelid lift can offer significant cosmetic improvement. However, the surgery is more complicated than the procedure for the upper eyelids. Every patient has unique skin quality, face shape, cheekbone placement, and existing skin laxity, adding to the complexity of the surgery. Dr. Rowley spent her training years in New York with some of the world’s top plastic surgeons and there she learned exactly how to approach this procedure. To achieve the best possible results for her patients, Dr. Rowley performs transconjunctival lower eyelid blepharoplasty with laser resurfacing as needed.

Add Definition to the Chin and Neck  

The sagging in your face can continue down to your chin and neck. A facelift can also target your neck and chin giving your face a more sculpted look. Tightening the skin on your neck and taking away the excess fat in the area of your jowls provides you with a more defined neck and chin.

A facelift will restore youth to the cheeks and eye area, but many people do not realize the importance of the neck and jawline. This plastic surgery in Lubbock can be paired with liposuction to better define the neck or jowl area. The effect is slimming and can take even more years off your look than a facelift alone. Removing just a small amount of fatty tissue under the chin has a dramatic effect with minimal recovery time. Watch the video below to learn how Dr. Rowley can give you excellent results with submental liposuction. 

Some patients experience cosmetic issues with their neck area before they start to see the typical signs of aging in their face. Submental liposuction has proven to be an effective plastic surgery tool for patients who struggle with excess fat around the chin and jawline. A double chin can cause you to look heavier or older than you are, and can decrease satisfaction with your appearance. Submental liposuction is a quick, straightforward plastic surgery in Lubbock that yields beautiful results. 

Using a small suction device called a cannula, your plastic surgeon can remove fat from the chin and neck region, revealing a younger, more defined neck and jawline. The procedure is easily done during an office visit using a local anesthetic. Submental liposuction takes just 20-30 minutes and results in very little, if any, scarring. Although swelling may last up to 4-6 weeks, most patients can return to normal activities within two days. With this quick office procedure and a couple days of downtime, you could look thinner, younger, and rejuvenate your confidence.

Get Natural Results from Plastic Surgery in Lubbock 

Dr. Jane Rowley has the knowledge and skills to give you the natural results you want from facial plastic surgery. She takes the time to answer questions and fully inform her patients before any procedure. With over two decades of plastic surgery experience, she understands what it takes to give her patients results that are tailored to their specific needs. Experience the difference you’ll find with Dr. Rowley today. Call our office today to schedule your no-obligation consultation and explore your options for plastic surgery in Lubbock. 

Considering a Breast Lift? Lubbock Women Should Plan Ahead

Women have several plastic surgery options for breast enhancement. Mastopexy, or a breast lift, creates a youthful look by raising sagging breasts. The procedure gets rid of excess skin, lifts the nipple to a more forward position, and reshapes the existing tissue to give an overall more perky appearance. A breast lift can help with asymmetry and makes clothing and swimwear fit more comfortably. For women who think they may be interested in a breast lift, Lubbock Dr. Jane Rowley recommends preparing for the procedure and following all pre- and post-operative instructions. She wants all of her patients to have a comfortable and smooth experience on the day of their breast lift, and getting ready beforehand is one way you can make sure that happens.

Preparing for Your Breast Lift

At your preoperative doctor visit, you will discuss your medical history, previous surgeries, and any medications or supplements you take. You will have a physical exam of your breasts so the doctor can determine your skin tone, positioning of your nipples, and other details for your breast lift. Lubbock patients should communicate clearly with their doctor about their surgical expectations and why they want a breast lift. It is always important to consult with your doctor before any procedure so you can understand exactly what the procedure can or cannot do and what the expected recovery will be. You may be asked to have a mammogram done before your surgery to establish a baseline for tracking changes in your breast tissue. To learn more about what to expect from a breast lift, watch the video below.

Preparing for Your Surgery

The right preparations for the day of your surgery can have an effect on your recovery. You will need to follow any pre-surgical instructions from the doctor carefully. You will be told what things you will need to bring and what type of clothes to wear after your breast lift. Lubbock patients may be advised not to take some of the medications they are taking. Be sure to avoid any anti-inflammatory drugs or herbal supplements as they can increase your risk of bleeding. If you use nicotine, you will need to stop for several weeks before and after your surgery, as nicotine can affect your healing by decreasing blood flow to the skin. You will also want to make arrangements for someone to help you after your procedure.

The First Few Weeks

For the first two to three weeks following their breast lift, Lubbock patients can usually expect to bruise, swell, and have some postoperative pain. Incisions can feel sore and you may experience numbness in your nipples. All of these symptoms are normal, but they will vary from patient to patient as pain tolerance and recovery times differ for each individual. If pain management is difficult or you have any concerns about your recovery, contact your doctor.

During the first few weeks after your surgery, it is critical to give your body the opportunity to heal from surgery for the best results of your breast lift. Lubbock patients should ease gently back into parts of their normal routine as they start to feel better. Some things you can do to help your recovery be successful include:

  • Wearing a compression bra for the recommended amount of time
  • Staying elevated at a 25 to 45-degree angle, even when sleeping
  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach
  • Avoid any activity that involves lifting, bending, or straining 

The First Few Months

It may take a month or two before all swelling is gone and you start to see the final results of your breast lift. Lubbock is full of fun things to do, but be patient with your body and you should be able to resume normal activity 4 to 6 weeks after your surgery. It’s important not to overestimate how good you are feeling too soon after your surgery and jump back into your daily routine too quickly. Remember that your body needs time to heal properly, so give yourself permission to slow down and take it easy. Numbness in the nipples is usually gone in the first couple of months after surgery. Scars may appear pink or red at first but will continue to fade over the next 12 months.

Combining Procedures for Dramatic Enhancements

If you are thinking about having a breast lift, you may have other areas of your body you’d like to address as well. Patients who undergo multiple procedures simultaneously save time and get more dramatic results. Combining procedures is often referred to as a “mommy makeover,” but moms are not the only ones who can benefit from doing so. Any plastic surgery candidate with more than one area of concern can consider treating all of those issues at the same time. Here’s a look at some of the procedures that are commonly paired with a breast lift in Lubbock.   

Breast Augmentation

Mastopexy provides lift and a youthful rejuvenation to the breasts, but it does not increase cup size. Many women are happy with their results without implants, but if you would like to add volume to your bust, you may choose to add breast augmentation to your plastic surgery wish list. Breast enhancement is a highly customizable procedure; you can select options from various sizes, implant types, and surgical placements. 

Implant Size

When it comes to choosing an implant size for your breast augmentation, you should think carefully about your goals. While it may be tempting to choose a much larger cup size, that may not always be the best choice, especially when combining breast enhancement with a breast lift in Lubbock. Your plastic surgeon can give you both added volume and a lift, but if the implants are too large and heavy, they can end up weighing your breasts down and negating the effects of your breast lift. However, having a breast lift and augmentation at the same time can perk up your breasts and give them the size that makes your confidence soar.

Implant Type

Women can choose from silicone gel or saline breast implants. Every implant has an outer shell made of silicone, but you have a choice as to which type of filling you want for the inner portion. Silicone gel implants are more popular because they look and feel more realistic. But silicone gel breast implants come with a risk for silent rupture, or leakage that can go undetected. The FDA recommends women with silicone gel implants get an MRI every few years to keep an eye out for silicone gel leakage. These MRIs are not covered by insurance and can add to the expense of your breast enhancement surgery over time.

Saline breast implants are another option for women considering adding volume to their breast lift in Lubbock. These implants have long been used by plastic surgeons and can look great on the right patient. They are filled with saline (sterile salt water solution), which the body can easily absorb in the event of an implant rupture. Additionally, no costly MRIs are necessary to detect leakage of a saline implant, because it will deflate noticeably. Another advantage for patients who choose saline implants is that they can be inserted through a smaller incision during surgery, resulting in minimal scarring. The drawback to saline breast implants is that they tend to lack an authentic feel. Some women, especially those who are very thin, may be able to see wrinkling or rippling of their saline implants through the skin. There is no right or wrong choice when it comes to the type of implant you choose. Talk to your doctor about your personal goals and priorities, and they will be able to guide you in your decision-making process.      

Breast Implant Placement

You can choose to have your breast implants placed under the pectoral muscle (submuscular placement) or under the breast tissue (subglandular placement). Patients who opt for submuscular placement typically have a longer surgery and recovery period, but the results look more natural. When the implant is placed beneath the muscle, it creates a more realistic slope to the breast. It also minimizes scar tissue and makes future mammograms easier to read. Perhaps most importantly, patients with implants under the muscle are less likely to experience capsular contracture. A study of 156 breast augmentation patients found capsular contracture to be much more common among those whose implants were placed over the chest muscle. Of the women who developed the complication, 58 percent had their implants on the subglandular level, and 9.4 percent had submuscular implant placement. 

Placing breast implants on the subglandular level results in a less complicated surgery and an easier recovery. It also helps patients avoid the animation, or unintended movement of the implants when the chest muscles are flexed. If you spend a lot of time at the gym in just a sports bra, you may prefer to have your implants over the chest muscle so this movement is not visible. Breast implants placed over the muscle can sometimes look less natural, and are more risky in terms of capsular contracture. The type of placement you choose for your breast implants depends on your lifestyle, preferences, and your anatomy. Talk to your doctor about how each method would affect the results of your breast lift in Lubbock.     

Breast Lift with Body Contouring

Many women who experience sagging in their breasts also feel dissatisfied with the appearance of their midsection. Belly flab and deflated breasts are very common for women who have had children, but these two areas can be completely rejuvenated with the right combination of plastic surgery procedures. Some patients may wish to combine a breast lift with liposuction or tummy tuck for a mommy makeover. 

  • Tummy Tuck: Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck gets rid of the excess skin women develop on their midsections as they age or after they have children. Many women struggle to redefine their tummy area after their skin has been stretched. It can be frustrating when diet and exercise don’t produce the results you want, but a tummy tuck can help. During surgery, excess skin is removed and the abdominal muscles are tightened. This means that if you experienced diastasis after pregnancy, abdominoplasty can repair those separated muscles. The outcome of a successful tummy tuck is a leaner, flatter stomach and a tighter core. When mommy makeover patients combine a tummy tuck with a breast lift in Lubbock, they can regain their youthful look and boost their confidence. 
  • Liposuction: Some patients struggle with stubborn fat on different areas of their body. For example, the thighs and love handles are notoriously difficult places to target with diet and exercise. Liposuction is a procedure that removes fat from specific locations on the body that retain fat despite your best efforts at the gym. Your plastic surgeon can give you a sleeker silhouette by suctioning out fat in areas with good skin elasticity. If you need to lose a significant amount of weight, liposuction may not be right for you because it is not meant to be a weight loss tool. However, it does get rid of unwanted fat and can create exceptional results when used on the right patient in the right area. 

Consider This

Before committing to a combination of procedures, you should take some time to educate yourself about what you can expect. With more surgeries come a longer recovery period and a higher risk for complications. The term “mommy makeover” may sound fun and exciting, but you should consult with your doctor before moving forward with multiple plastic surgeries. Consider Dr. Rowley’s thoughts on mommy makeovers:

There are benefits to combining a breast lift in Lubbock with other procedures. If you are a good candidate for a mommy makeover, you can save time and money by having multiple surgeries at once. Discuss with your doctor what options are best for you. 

Explore Your Breast Lift Options

Dr. Jane Rowley is a board-certified plastic surgeon with 20 years of experience helping her patients achieve their aesthetic goals. She takes the time to discuss your goals thoroughly, explains the procedure, and gives a clear expectation of what is involved with your expected recovery. At Rowley Plastic Surgery, we put our patients needs first and make their care and comfort our highest priority. Schedule your no-obligation consultation today.