Lubbock Plastic Surgery Can Give You the Tummy You Want

Having confidence in the way we look can feel like an uphill battle, especially when it comes to our midsections. Pregnancy, age, and significant weight loss can all contribute to belly flab that can be hard to erase. An active lifestyle that includes a healthy diet and regular exercise helps to control weight; however, it does not always get rid of the extra fat and skin on the stomach. Don’t give up on those healthy habits, but try not to get down when they don’t do much for your tummy. A tummy tuck (otherwise known as abdominoplasty) is the Lubbock plastic surgery that helps men and women overcome their belly bulge and gain renewed confidence in their appearance.

The best patient is a well-informed one. Learning all you can about the procedure will help you understand the process as well as what to expect for your recovery and results. Here is our list of things you need to know about tummy tucks before you commit to plastic surgery.

The Right Candidate

Just because you struggle with belly flab does not mean a tummy tuck is right for you. Generally healthy men and women with realistic expectations make the best candidates. Women who may still want to have children in the future should wait to have the surgery until they are past their childbearing years. It is also important that you are able to maintain a stable weight, as fluctuations on the scale can undo the results of your tummy tuck.

Tummy Tucks are Not for Weight Loss

If you are looking into a tummy tuck as a means to help you drop a lot of weight, you should consider other options. Abdominoplasty is all about improving the contour of your body; it sculpts the abdomen, tightens the ab muscles, and flattens the tummy. Although you may lose a few pounds after the procedure, shedding weight is not the main goal. You should be within 10-15 pounds of your ideal weight to get the best outcome out of your tummy tuck in Lubbock.

You Will Have to Stop Smoking

Smoking poses a threat to our general health and it increases risks for Lubbock plastic surgery as well. You won’t have to quit smoking forever; Dr. Jane Rowley requires her patients to refrain from using nicotine for six weeks before surgery and two to three weeks afterwards. Nicotine restricts blood flow, and good circulation is crucial for proper wound and scar healing. Smoking also depletes the body’s oxygen levels and can put you at risk for developing blood clots and infections. It’s easier said than done, but staying away from cigarettes before and after a tummy tuck in Lubbock will be well worth the sacrifice for the sake of your health, safety, and surgical results.

Not All Tummy Tucks are Created Equal

There are several variations on the tummy tuck procedure. After your consultation, your plastic surgeon will be able to tell you which type of tummy tuck would best suit your needs based on the amount of skin and fat that needs to be removed.

  • Mini Tummy Tuck – This version of abdominoplasty is for people whose trouble spots are located mostly below the belly button. Since less tissue needs to be removed, the incision can be considerably smaller than that of a normal tummy tuck.
  • Regular Tummy Tuck – A standard tummy tuck removes excess fat and skin located above and below the belly button. The scar runs between the hip bones and is longer than that of a mini tuck. The navel will be repositioned to match the new look of your flatter tummy.
  • Extended Tummy Tuck – The extended tummy tuck is for people with hanging skin and fat that reaches beyond the front of the abdomen to the sides or back. It is the same procedure as a regular tummy tuck; the main difference is in the length of the incision.

Combining Lubbock Plastic Surgery Procedures

Liposuction is often paired with abdominoplasty to achieve dramatic results. Suctioning fat from the abdomen can exaggerate the look of droopy skin. A tummy tuck eliminates the sagging skin and tightens the abdominal muscles to create a more beautiful body contour. Women looking to regain their pre-baby figures often combine a tummy tuck with a breast procedure as part of a “mommy makeover.”

Things to Know About Recovery

You will need to rest and have lots of help with children and everyday chores for the first week or two after your surgery. Plan to take time off work for 2-3 weeks, and a return to full activity will need to wait at least 6-8 weeks. Swelling and bruising is normal for during tummy tuck recovery, so be patient with your body as it takes its time to heal. Scars will appear red during early stages of recovery but will fade and soften with time. The full results of your procedure will take months to be fully visible, but you will notice the positive change in your figure soon after surgery.

The best way to boost your odds of having a great Lubbock plastic surgery experience is to learn all you can about what to expect during and after your procedure. Clearly communicating with your doctor about the results you want will also help increase the chances of your satisfaction. Be sure to ask questions about these aspects of your experience:

  • Whether you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck in Lubbock
  • Creating a plan to help you stop smoking
  • What kind of tummy tuck procedure will meet your needs
  • Whether combining a tummy tuck with other procedure will benefit you
  • Your recovery time frame and how to care for your healing body

Dr. Jane Rowley is the leading board-certified plastic surgeon in Lubbock with over 20 years of experience. Call our office today to schedule your no-obligation consultation and begin your journey to greater confidence in your appearance.

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