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Tone Up Your Arms With an Arm Lift in Lubbock

Americans seem to be increasingly interested in looking younger and more beautiful all the time. Popular diets, fitness trends, and plastic surgery play a huge role in what we see on social media as well as everyday lifestyles. In Lubbock, you can also see a growing emphasis on losing weight and being healthy.

The extreme at the other end of the spectrum is the growing rate of obesity in America. When weight gain gets out of control and is beyond the aid of diet and exercise, some people turn to more drastic measures for help. When weight has been high and is then quickly lost, the body ends up with stretched out loose skin. But weight loss isn’t the only culprit behind saggy skin. Excess skin can become loose as a result of age or heredity. An arm lift in Lubbock—or brachioplasty—can have a dramatic effect on the right patient to tone and reshape the upper arms.

Are You a Good Candidate?

Do you avoid wearing arm revealing clothing because you don’t like the way your upper arms look? Do you refuse to wave your arms because you’re self-conscious of the skin that hangs down? If the answer is yes, brachioplasty could be of great benefit to you. If you meet the criteria below, you may be a good candidate for the procedure.

  • You have excess arm skin due to significant weight loss or aging
  • You do not smoke or are willing to commit to a nicotine-free lifestyle before and after surgery
  • You are committed to a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a well-balanced diet
  • Your general health is good, and you have no medical conditions that would increase risks
  • Your weight is relatively stable and in a healthy range

Brachioplasty does leave a scar running down the underside of the arm which will be visible when the arms are lifted or exposed. A good candidate for the procedure will have a significant amount of extra skin hanging down. Your surgeon will be able to tell you if your arms would benefit from an arm lift in Lubbock. It is important to remember that any plastic surgery is not a substitute for a healthy diet or routine exercise. Instead it provides a supplement to achieve your desired body shape when  you already maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What Happens During Surgery?

On the day of your surgery, you will be administered general anesthesia to keep you comfortable. Your surgeon will remove excess fat and skin from the underside of your arms through an incision that runs from the elbow to the underarm. The length of the resulting scar will depend on how much skin and fat had to be removed.

Often the process of tightening the arm skin is paired with liposuction to remove fat deposits in the same area. Consult with your doctor to decide if adding liposuction to your arm lift will help you achieve your desired results. There are no drains for brachioplasty patients and the sutures are absorbable.

The Results

For the best possible results, you will want the best plastic surgeon. Lubbock patients should seek for a doctor who is highly skilled, board-certified, and has plenty of experience. After an arm lift, your arms will look smoother and more toned. The results will be evident immediately following your procedure, but may take 6-8 weeks to be completely visible. Some patients express concern about the extent of scarring from an arm lift. The placement of the incision, the skill of your doctor, and the neatness of the closure will all have an effect on the appearance of scarring.  The changes in your arms may seem subtle on their own, but your body will look more youthful and slender overall after your brachioplasty procedure.

Recovering From an Arm Lift in Lubbock

Arm lifts typically take less time in the operating room than more extensive surgeries like breast augmentation. The procedure takes about one hour on an outpatient basis. Patients usually have compression bandages on for about two weeks to help minimize swelling. Most people can expect to resume regular activities in about five to seven days.

Discover Greater Confidence

If age or weight loss has not been kind to your arms, you don’t have to live in long sleeves forever. When considering an arm lift in Lubbock, be sure to do your research so you can find the best plastic surgeon. Lubbock is home to Dr. Jane Rowley, a board-certified plastic surgeon who carefully listens to the concerns and expectations of her patients. At Rowley Plastic Surgery, our goal is to educate and work with each patient so they can have the best results possible. Call our office to schedule a no-obligation consultation and discuss your options in discovering greater confidence in your physical appearance.

A Complete Guide to Getting a Tummy Tuck in Lubbock

There is no substitute for feeling great about the way you look. It’s human nature to want to look your best, and more often than not, it’s not about vanity. It’s about confidence. When you feel confident about your outward appearance, it has positive effects on your inner self. As we age or experience pregnancies or weight loss, our bodies are changed in permanent ways. And, flabby excess skin will not go away not matter how much you diet or exercise.

When you carry around an extra load of saggy skin, it can affect your self-esteem as you become increasingly unhappy about the contour of your body. If you feel frustrated when your best efforts don’t yield the results you want, it might be time to consider a tummy tuck in Lubbock. A tummy tuck isn’t a weight loss surgery but rather a procedure to remove excess skin and improve your quality of life. It is a great support to your weight loss goals and healthy habits.  

What is a Tummy Tuck?

Abdominoplasty, better known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure for removing up to 10 pounds of skin from a patient’s abdominal area. Weakened and separated abdominal muscles are tightened and repaired during surgery as well. Tummy tucks are also often paired with liposuction to further enhance the contouring effects.

Things To Consider Before Your Surgery

A Tummy tuck is a major surgery and should be considered carefully with plenty of education and counsel from Dr. Jane Rowley. During your preliminary evaluation with Dr. Rowley, she will prepare you for what to expect, and ensure your health and body are right for plastic surgery in Lubbock. Plan to discuss the following topics:

  • Your weight – Tummy tucks don’t require a certain number on the scale, but you should be close to your goal weight. It is important that you are able to maintain a stable weight to keep your surgical results intact.
  • Your eating habits – A healthy and sustainable diet is essential for a healthy recovery and lasting results.
  • Whether you smoke – If you do, consider quitting or make a plan to stop for a while because nicotine can interfere with the healing process. Expect to refrain from smoking, nicotine patches, and nicotine gum for several weeks before and after the surgery.

What Happens During a Tummy Tuck?

Surgery is performed with the use of general anesthetics. A standard tummy tuck in Lubbock begins with a horizontal incision running between the hip bones. The plastic surgeon lifts the skin and tightens the abdominal muscles underneath. The extra skin is removed and the navel is repositioned to match the new shape of your tummy. Surgery is wrapped up with the closure of incisions.

Tummy tucks can address varying degrees of hanging skin; some people’s excess skin is only beneath the belly button and others have flab that extends all the way around their back. Depending on how extensive your surgery is, it can take anywhere from one to five hours. You will need a driver to take you home.

Planning For Recovery

You should not spend your first night alone, make sure you have someone to help you throughout the night. Your incision will be stitched and bandaged. It is important that you follow Dr. Rowley’s specific care instructions to ensure a healthy recovery. Moving will be tough during your recovery. Plan on wearing loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. Make sure your phone is in reach if you need it. A hand-held shower head and bathroom chair are ideal.

Plan for several weeks of recovery, and take off plenty of time from work for an uninterrupted recovery time. Too much activity following the surgery before you are completely healed can complicate your recovery. Give you body the time it needs to rest and heal.

Look and Feel Better With a Tummy Tuck in Lubbock

Patients who have lost significant amounts of weight can feel happy about the weight loss but discouraged about the saggy stomach skin that is left behind. Getting rid of that extra skin gives your body the flatter tummy you had hoped to have after your weight loss. A tummy tuck will strengthen your body’s core and improve your posture. Extreme weight loss or c-section surgeries can lead to a lapse in muscle control that can lead to hernias. A tummy tuck in Lubbock can also repair ventral hernias and improve bladder control. The procedure is about more than just flattening your belly – it’s a surgery for repair and healing.

The Gift of Confidence

Excess belly skin can be an emotional and physical annoyance that can damage self-confidence. As this holiday season approaches, give yourself the gift of confidence as you move forward in your health, wellness, and appearance efforts. Dr. Jane Rowley is the leading plastic surgeon in Lubbock who carefully discusses the options that best match the cosmetic goals of her patients. Meet with Dr. Rowley to learn about options for plastic surgery in Lubbock that are right for your needs. At Rowley Plastic Surgery, you can feel confident knowing you are in good hands. Contact our office today for a no-obligation consultation.

Getting the Most Out of Your Liposuction in Lubbock

We all know it takes time to see the results that come from working hard at the gym and staying on top of your diet. But what do you do when your healthy habits don’t ever produce the results you want? If you feel frustrated that your efforts to take care of yourself aren’t making a difference in your appearance, consider liposuction in Lubbock as a possible solution. The effects of age, childbearing, and genetics often cause people to develop stubborn areas of fat on their bodies. This fat can be resistant to even the strictest diet and exercise routines, which is disheartening for many people. Liposuction alone can make a great difference in the contour of your body, but it also works well combined with other procedures for a more dramatic effect.

How Liposuction Works

Liposuction removes excess fat to enhance the contour of your body. Your doctor will insert a thin tube (or cannula) into the area of fat through a small incision. Fat cells are broken up and suctioned out to reveal a smoother overall body shape. The procedure is not meant to be a weight loss surgery. The main goal is to give the patient a slimmer frame by targeting those specific areas of localized fat when that don’t respond to diet and exercise.

If you have just a limited area of troublesome fat, your liposuction procedure may require only local anesthetics at an outpatient appointment. Patients with more significant areas of fat may need general anesthesia for their procedure at a surgical facility. Recovery time varies from person to person, but you should expect to take 2-3 days off work. A full return to normal activity after liposuction in Lubbock can take up to 4-6 weeks.

Tighten With a Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is best known for helping to reduce sagging skin around the abdomen. It is also a significant procedure that involves the entire core of the body. A tummy tuck not only gets rid of loose skin but also tightens and contours the abdominal wall and muscles. For the right patient, the results can be exceptional. It is common for patients to consider having liposuction performed in tandem with a tummy tuck for even greater cosmetic effect.

Patients who have gone through drastic weight loss can be left with sagging skin around the thighs, hips, and buttocks. Imagine having finally lost a significant amount of weight and still feeling self-conscious about your body because of leftover flabby skin. It might be easy to slip back into old habits if you continue to struggle with body image. Performing liposuction with a tummy tuck corrects both the flabby skin and any remaining stubborn fat. The combination has a powerful effect to help improve the appearance of these patients’ appearance at their new weight.

Mommy Makeover Options Include Liposuction in Lubbock

Childbirth is an exciting and emotionally fulfilling life event, but it is frequently followed by women’s diminished satisfaction with their bodies. With proven surgical techniques, a post-childbirth body can regain the firm, youthful look it once had. A mommy makeover is not just one procedure but an individualized combination of plastic surgery options. The goal of this Lubbock plastic surgery is to change the effects of childbirth on a woman’s body. After pregnancy and nursing, stomach muscles weaken and abdominal skin loosens and sags. Some women’s breasts can lose volume and look deflated, while others suffer from uncomfortably large breasts. Often a woman’s body can have stubborn pockets of fat that are unresponsive to diet and exercise. A few procedures that work well together to improve the appearance of areas of concern after childbearing include:

  • Liposuction
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Reduction

It’s important to communicate clearly with your doctor about your expectations for your surgical outcome. Your surgeon will advise you as to which procedures will work best for your body type. If you are thinking about a mommy makeover, make sure you are in good health, are at a stable weight, and have realistic expectations of your results. We can’t completely stop the effects of aging or life changes on our bodies, but combining procedures for a mommy makeover can help restore confidence in your post-pregnancy body.

The Best Surgeon for Your Best Results

Whether on its own or combined with other procedures, liposuction in Lubbock gives your body a slimmer look that can help you feel more confident in your body and more comfortable in your clothing. Choosing the right surgeon is paramount to having the best possible results from your surgery. Our Lubbock plastic surgery patients are our number one priority at Rowley Plastic Surgery. Dr. Jane Rowley is your board-certified surgeon who carefully consults with each patient to understand each individual’s cosmetic goals and needs. You can expect confidence, competence, and clear communication at Rowley Plastic Surgery. Call today and schedule your no-obligation consultation.

Feel Confident with Breast Implants: Dr. Rowley Offers the IDEAL IMPLANT®

What should you know about breast implants before pursuing a breast augmentation? Are you aware of all the different types of implants available? Do you have the information you need to make an informed decision? Have you thought about what kind of implant will best help you accomplish your goals?

Dr. Jane Rowley can answer all these questions and more. As a plastic surgeon who is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Rowley has extensive training and expertise in a variety of cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures. She strives to empower her patients by educating them about their options and discussing any concerns they might have.

Plastic Surgery with Dr. Jane Rowley

Dr. Rowley focuses on the individual needs of her patients. When meeting with Dr. Rowley, she takes the time to develop a customized treatment plan designed just for you. Since breast implants come in different shapes and sizes, one of the best ways to determine which type of implant is right for your body is to try out your options. Dr. Rowley explains:

“Most people who seek breast augmentation come in with an idea of what cup size they would like to be postoperatively. However, cup size is extremely variable and often depends on the manufacturer of the undergarment. I think it is very important to spend a long time talking to my patients about what size they think they want to be. We look at multiple photographs, go through sample implants together, and I have patients try them on. I find it is not uncommon for someone to come in and say they want to be a C-cup, but when we go over it together, they find they like a little larger appearance, or maybe smaller, once they’ve tried them on. I do not want to trivialize this operation, but from a technical surgical standpoint, it is a relatively simple operation to do. The most difficult and important aspect of this procedure is making sure the patient has clear expectations. A skilled surgeon can make your breasts larger but we cannot make your breasts look like someone else’s breasts. This is why I feel spending a long time discussing size together before the procedure is so important.”

The Choice is Yours

Dr. Rowley understands that receiving breast implants is a big decision. She is committed to helping women look their best and gain the confidence they deserve. The video below shares her philosophy toward plastic surgery.

A New Implant Option

Dr. Rowley remains up-to-date on the latest implant technology. Women are often familiar with silicone gel or saline breast implants, but their options don’t end there. A new, innovative type of implant is now available—the IDEAL IMPLANT® Structured Breast Implant. The IDEAL IMPLANT combines the natural feel of silicone gel with the safety of saline. Its advanced internal structure sets it apart from all other breast implants. The IDEAL IMPLANT is made up of a series of shells nested together that hold two separate chambers filled with saline. This unique design:

  • Offers the peace of mind that comes from saline
  • Gives the realistic look and youthful shape expected with silicone gel
  • Reduces wrinkling and rippling often associated with saline
  • Supports the upper pole of the implant to prevent collapse when upright
  • Controls the movement of the saline to mitigate sloshing and eliminate the “water-hammer” effect

The IDEAL IMPLANT is empty before placement, so it can be rolled up and inserted through a smaller incision. Its filled after its placed and has an adjustable volume capacity, so plastic surgeons can cater to the exact needs and desires of their patients.

No Risk of “Silent Rupture”

No costly MRI scans are needed to detect rupture with the IDEAL IMPLANT. Women always know their implants are intact by simply looking the mirror. If a rupture does occur, the body safely absorbs the saline. But with silicone gel breast implants, sticky silicone gel can leak and get trapped in the surrounding tissues of a woman’s body, without her even knowing it is happening. This is called a “silent rupture,” because only an MRI can detect when it happens. The FDA recommends women with silicone gel implants receive an MRI every two-to-three years for the life of their implants.

Searching for a Qualified Plastic Surgeon?

Dr. Jane Rowley is always looking for solutions to help her patients feel comfortable and confident in their choice to pursue plastic surgery. That’s why she became an IDEAL IMPLANT Premier Surgeon – to offer an implant that provides beautiful and natural results combined with safety and security. As a client of Rowley Plastic Surgery, Melissa Dunn Moore has this to say about Dr. Rowley:

“Five stars! Absolutely hands down the BEST! Her office employees tell the true story. They are always happy and a delight to be around. Dr. Rowley is strictly business when it comes to your needs. After they are addressed, her hat comes off and she becomes a dear friend. I would most definitely recommend her to anyone.”

No matter the procedure, you can trust Dr. Rowley to help you reach your personal and physical goals. Her knowledge and skills make her the leading plastic surgeon in Lubbock, Texas. Visit www.rowleyplasticsurgery.com to learn more. Call 806-792-3715 to schedule your no-obligation consultation today.

Breast Augmentation Without the Compromises

Women deal with stress every day, but there is no reason that it should be associated with plastic surgery. Whether you’re having breast surgery, a tummy tuck, or liposuction, cosmetic procedures can contribute to anxiety. Proactively working towards your cosmetic goals should make you feel excited and optimistic, but many women end up feeling nervous instead. Put a stop to the anxiety about a breast augmentation before it even begins. Do your best to educate yourself—understanding your options for breast implants will put you in the right direction towards calming your nerves.

Consider Your Implants

If you are concerned about a lack of breast tissue, breast symmetry, or want to return to your pre-pregnancy breast volume, you should research the different breast implant options available. With research and technological advances, breast implants are safer than ever. Breast implants are regulated by the FDA to ensure they are a safe product for patient use. There is no right or wrong choice when it comes to which type of implant you choose, but there are certain drawbacks of both saline implants and silicone gel implants that are important to consider.

  • Saline Implants – These implants are similar to a water balloon filled with sterile salt water. They provide a firm, uniform shape, and if they leak, you have no need to worry about adverse effects on your body. Saline implants can tend to wrinkle, and some people believe they do not closely resemble the feel of natural breast tissue.
  • Silicone Implants – A silicone gel-filled implant feels more like natural breast tissue because the silicone gel is more viscous than saline. Because of the risk of silent rupture, women should be aware of the need for periodic MRIs or ultrasounds to check for implant leaks in the future.

IDEAL IMPLANT® Structured Breast Implants

Women should not have to compromise when it comes to their options for breast implants in Lubbock. If you like the beauty and natural feel of silicone gel, but also want the peace of mind that comes with saline implants, then the IDEAL IMPLANT may be the right choice for you. This option features a series of saline-filled chambers, providing the implant with structure. This design gives the IDEAL IMPLANT a more natural look and feeling as movement of the saline is more controlled. The risk of sloshing, rippling, and wrinkling is minimized.

Because it is filled with saline, the IDEAL IMPLANT also eliminates the concerns of a rupture often associated with a silicone gel implant. If a rupture were to occur, it would be obvious just by looking at the breast. While the implant would still need to be removed, there would be no cause for alarm because the saline inside the implants can be safely absorbed into the body.

The benefits of the IDEAL IMPLANT don’t stop there. Other advantages over silicone gel implants include:

  • Lower risk of rupture
  • Lower risk of capsular contracture
  • No costly MRIs to monitor for rupture
  • Shorter incision length

Consider the Results

Once you feel comfortable with your choice of implant, there still may be other factors contributing to your anxiety. Thinking of your post surgery pain and recovery can also cause concern. If you can, talk with a friend who has already had breast augmentation. First-hand accounts of what to expect with your surgery will give you more information and ideas about what to discuss with your doctor. Then talk to your doctor and share your concerns so that your surgeon can explain expected recovery, pain, and the final results from your surgery. Sometimes what we fear the most is the unknown, so doing your due diligence will help to calm your nerves.

Consider Your Doctor

You have heard about the importance of choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon, but do you know why It’s so important? A board-certified plastic surgeon has graduated from medical school, completed years of surgical training, completed additional training for plastic surgery, and passed both oral and written exams. These surgeons are required to operate in an accredited facility. An experienced and certified doctor is the foundation to having the best possible experience with your plastic surgery. Having confidence in your plastic surgeon’s training, certification, and experience goes a long way in easing anxiety about your procedure.

Breast Augmentation Experience You Can Trust

Plastic surgery doesn’t need to cause fear or anxiety. When you understand your options for breast implants in Lubbock, it gives you the freedom to look forward to and enjoy your breast enhancement. Dr. Jane Rowley has more than 20 years of experience performing breast augmentation, and is the only plastic surgeon in Lubbock to offer the IDEAL IMPLANT. She will explain your procedure and recovery expectations thoroughly, giving you clear information about your surgery and what to expect. You can put your mind at ease knowing that at Rowley Plastic Surgery, you are in the best possible care. Call today to schedule your no-obligation consultation.

More Women Than Ever are Considering the Mommy Makeover in Lubbock

Ideas about plastic surgery have evolved in recent years. With the rise of our social media culture, more and more people feel motivated to change the things they dislike about their looks. We can’t deny the fact that we live in a selfie world and we all want to look our best in every photo we post online. Gone are the days when plastic surgery was only for the rich and famous. People are opening up to the idea of plastic surgery to help them achieve the look they want.

The Numbers Don’t Lie

Think of your three closest friends. Chances are, one of them is considering plastic surgery. According to a new online survey conducted by the Harris Poll for RealSelf, 37 percent of people in America are giving genuine thought to having a cosmetic procedure done in the next 12 months. Many American women express dissatisfaction with their appearance after having children—hence the growing popularity of the mommy makeover in Lubbock. Whether or not you are already part of the population reflected in this statistic, plastic surgery could be the answer for your body image concerns.

Current Trends in Plastic Surgery

The study on RealSelf revealed that 49 percent of Americans considering cosmetic procedures are under the age of 45. Younger adults are changing the way we think about beauty and the procedures that often go along with it. The rise in popularity isn’t just confined to minimally invasive procedures like Botox; surgical procedures have seen notable gains as well. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the top 5 cosmetic surgical procedures in 2017 were:

The ASPS reports that breast augmentation has been the top cosmetic surgical procedure since 2006. Tummy tucks gained popularity again after having dropped from the top five in 2016. With so many advancements in technology and safety, it’s no surprise that so many people are turning to plastic surgery in Lubbock to feel happier with their appearance.

Combining Procedures for a Mommy Makeover in Lubbock

Three of the top five most popular plastic surgeries (breast augmentation, liposuction, and tummy tucks) are often done together in what is commonly referred to as a mommy makeover. Breast reductions are also a popular choice for mommy makeovers. Women frequently have multiple areas of concern on their bodies after having children. Undesirable changes in the breasts and tummy can have a detrimental effect on a woman’s confidence and self-esteem. A mommy makeover restores the body to its pre-baby appearance allowing mothers to forget worrying about their looks and focus on more important things.

If you’re already considering a mommy makeover in Lubbock, you probably have an area or two on your body that you’d like to change. You may be unhappy with the size and shape of your post-pregnancy breasts, a lingering saggy stomach, stretch marks, or even pockets of fat on your body that don’t seem to budge with diet and exercise. If this sounds at all familiar, a mommy makeover can offer the benefits of restoring a youthful bust and flattened tummy. After visiting our Lubbock office, your clothes and swimwear will fit better, and you will find a refreshed confidence in your appearance.

Mommy Makeover Benefits

Combining several surgical procedures together to restore your pre-pregnancy body has only recently gained the catchy title of a “mommy makeover,” but the approach and procedures themselves are not new and have a long-time record of being both safe and successful. There are several advantages when procedures are done in conjunction with one another.

  • Avoid multiple operations – When you combine procedures, you save money on the costs of the facility and anesthesia. Your risk factor goes down as well because you will only be put under one time, on one day, in one operating room.
  • Just one downtime – Downtime is all too rare an occasion for most moms. When you look at your calendar, how many weeks are there that would be convenient for you to be recovering from surgery? Probably not too many. Having your procedures done at the same time means you only have to heal once. You can get back to your routine and not have to worry about planning for more recoveries.
  • Dramatic results – Whether you simply want to get your pre-baby shape back or go above and beyond that, a mommy makeover can transform your body and your confidence. Moms deserve to feel good about the way they look and if that means tightening their tummies and reshaping their breasts, then a mommy makeover may be the right choice.

Get Started Today

If you’re ready to take the first step toward your new body, give our Lubbock office a call. Numbers are on the rise for plastic surgery nationwide, and for good reason. Procedures are safe and effective. So if you’re considering plastic surgery in Lubbock you are in good company! Although you may already know you’re interested in a breast augmentation, breast lift, tummy tuck, or liposuction, you can tailor the procedures to your goals beyond simply picking procedures off a menu. Working with Dr. Rowley will give you the assurance that your mommy makeover in Lubbock will be carefully personalized to meet your long-term goals. Call our office today to schedule your no-obligation consultation.